Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield

Springfield Massachusetts City Skyline Across Bridge

The Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield is an educational consortium composed of the eight public and private colleges in the Greater Springfield area: American International College, Bay Path University, Elms College, Holyoke Community College, Springfield College, Springfield Technical Community College, Western New England University, and Westfield State University. Founded in 1971, the organization fosters the sharing of programs, talents, and facilities, to bring to this area the educational resources of a university while retaining the initiative and vitality of independent institutions.

Through cooperative planning at the presidential level and the functioning of committees from different administrative levels, CCGS aims:

  • to enrich the educational offerings, cultural events, and social activities of the colleges,
  • to offer a wide variety of programs and fields of study to students at each institution,
  • to affect fiscal economies and to eliminate unnecessary duplication through joint planning, and
  • to develop into an economic and educational resource to the Greater Springfield community.

Examples of the different levels on which the colleges meet and cooperate are committees composed of the presidents, the deans of faculty, the deans of students, the librarians, and the continuing education directors, among others.

Academic Exchange

Cross registration has been established so that in each semester any student attempting at least six (6) credits in a degree program may enroll at a participating CCGS institution for up to 2 courses totaling no more than eight (8) credits. Courses taken through the CCGS program must be used to fulfill the student’s degree requirements at the home institution. The Host institution determines whether CCGS students can register for courses offered in the day, evening, or online.  The student is billed by his or her Home institution. 


All students and faculty of CCGS colleges have immediate access to the full library collections of all eight colleges, numbering 1,174,420 volumes at last count, thus greatly expanding the opportunities for independent study and research. The Cooperating Libraries of Greater Springfield (part of CCGS) also include the Springfield City Library, the Western New England Law School Library, and the Baystate Medical Center Library. The CLGS librarians have compiled a union list of serials, listing periodicals available in all libraries. A valid 博彩网站 I.D. is required in order to borrow materials from any CLGS library.

This cross registration includes an Army ROTC program, and an Air Force ROTC program. For more information on the Army ROTC program, call Western New England University at 782-1345 or the University of Massachusetts at 545-2321; for information on the Air Force ROTC program, call the University of Massachusetts at 545-2451. The academic deans also sponsor faculty development conferences.

Student Affairs

The Student Affairs officers meet to discuss, among other issues, jointly sponsored educational, cultural, and social programs. The member colleges open some of their extracurricular events to all CCGS students. Events scheduled at individual institutions may be publicized among the member colleges; in this way, programs which a single institution might not be able to attract are made available.

Career Services

The Career Services officers of the College Career Centers of Western MA (CCCWM) institutions annually present a career fair or series of fairs, for the students and alumni of the member colleges. For more information see the Career Services page.

Transfer Fairs

The Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield hosts a series of fairs. These fairs are great opportunities for students to chat with transfer admissions reps from Springfield College, American International College (AIC), Bay Path University, Elms College, Western New England University, and Westfield State University. There is no registration required for these in-person events. For more details, please see our Transfer Services page.